Cuzzolin: “The world has discovered that steel exists”
“The world has discovered that steel exists” – So said Luigi Cuzzolin, CEO of Pipex Italia, during the steel market webinar “Mercato & Dintorni” held on June 4th.
During this sixth appointment of the year with “Mercati & Dintorni”, specifically focussed on welded and seamless steel tubes, Luigi Cuzzolin has also underlined that the continuous upward trend of the price of coils is leading to a general increase of prices.
This will certainly have a big impact on infrastructures, too, a sector where the Government is planning numerous investments thanks to the use of the Recovery Fund.
This particular situation is having negative repercussions on the entire supply chain that has to face a period where it is precisely the price of coils to model the purchase cost of raw materials.
For Pipex, Luigi Cuzzolin said, the first six months have been marked by a difficult and strained period due to the price increase of raw materials and a careful determination to recover, whilst or the second half of the year he feels confident in a recovery.
For the video interview, see below. You can see the video interview subtitled in English on our YouTube channel.
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Marketing & Communication department
Pipex Italia S.p.A.
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